QUIZ #7 2016

A1 is injured as a goal is scored. The faceoff is delayed a bit so that A1 can be tended to and gets to walk off the field. When may A1 return to the game?

Ball goes out of bounds off of B1 in front of  Team A bench. Team A coach grabs the ball and tosses it to A1 on the field who is ready to play. What do you do?

Team A head coach requests a timeout with Team A in possession in their attack half of the field. You grant the timeout. Immediately, Team B coach says they have too many men in the attack half. What do you do? What do you do if you count seven Team A players in the attack half?

QUIZ #6 2016

  1. Teams are tied at the end of regulation. What are an official’s duties between now and the start of OT? Rule 4-29. Conduct a cointoss to determine ends. (AP stays the same as at end of regulation). Two minute break. Remind timer it is 4 minutes for OT. Remind each coach that have one timeout per OT period.
  2. Define warding off. Rule 5-11. Use of free hand or arm or any other body part to hold, push, or control the direction of the movement of the crosse or body of the player applying the check.
  3. Official blows whistle thinking A1 has scored. Oops..ball is on the outside of the B’s net. Now what? Rule 7-13-c. Inadvertent whistle with ball loose inside the crease. Award ball to defense in the alley.

QUIZ #5 2016

  1. Team A has satisfied the 10-sec. count into its attack area. Team passes ball but it is overthrown and ball comes to rest on the midline. Ruling? 4-14 Art. 3 touching midline=over the midline. Over and back violation
  2. Team A in possession. B1 dislodges his own goal as play continues. What do you do? What do you do if A1 shoots and scores? If possible, kill the play asap before A1 shoots. If A1 does shoot, did the ball break the imaginary plane formed by the goal line and the cross bars? If so=goal.
  3. After a goal the ball rolls out toward midfield. A1 picks up the ball and hands it to you in his stick. When you reach in to get the ball it is hard to get out. You notice stick is quite pinched. What do you do? Rule 5-5. “Every crosse on a team is subject to inspection…” Check the crosse for legality and penalize accordingly if appropriate.

QUIZ #4 2016

  1. A1 shoots and the head comes off the stick during the shot. a) goal is scored or b) goal is not scored. Ruling? Who gets ball? Rule 4-9 No Goal. In both a) and b) award ball to defense.
  2. A1 drives to crease. Leaves his feet and shoots and gets pushed from behind a) before he leaves his feet  b) as he leaves his feet or c) after he leaves his feet. Ball enters goal before A1 lands in the crease. Ruling in all 3 cases? Rule 4-9 No goal. But flag is thrown for push.
  3. When are restarts allowed for a defense in their defensive goal area (not off the end line). Shot off the endline awarded to defense. Timeout by defense off the endline. Non-time serving violation by offense while ball is in goal area. Rule 4-22 art. 3

QUIZ #3 2016

  1. What is the difference between a disqualification and an ejection? Page 63…a player who accumulates 5 minutes of personal foul time has fouled out=disqualification. Page 63…ejection is also removal for the game and the post-game consequences are more severe. Assignor should be notified immediately after the game about an ejection.
  2. Define taunting. An ejection foul. “…embarrass, ridicule, demean others…including on the basis  of race, religion, gender, or national origin.” Page 63
  3. A1 commits flagrant misconduct after the game has ended and officials are still on the field watching the teams cross. What is proper procedure for the officials at that point? Throw flag. Ejection foul. Make sure it is recorded in the scorebook. Notify both coaches. Call assignor.

QUIZ #2 2016

  1. Under 2 minutes to play, Team A ahead. A1 brings the ball into his attack area and calls timeout. On the restart, since Team A has satisfied its initial ten count to advance the ball, are they required to get the ball into the attack area within 10 seconds? Yes. Page 74 Situation G. Rules on stalling change in the last 2 minutes.
  2. Under 2 minutes to play, score is tied. A1 touches the ball into his attack area to satisfy the 10 count. Then he steps back outside the attack area. Official stops play  and gives the ball to Team B stating “He came out of the box: stalling on Team A.” Official starts play and Team B comes down and scores. Coach A requests double horn and informs official that he did not have to keep it in the attack area. Now what do you do? Officials’ error. Page 88. Wipe goal off the board. Give ball back to Team A outside its attack goal area and put time back on the game clock.
  3. Under 2 minutes to play. Team A leads. A1 crosses midfield with the ball into his offensive half. What are the proper mechanics for officials at this point? Verbal and Visual “Get it In” and then Verbal and visual “Keep it in” when team A satisfies the 10-sec. count.

QUIZ #1 2016

  1. After a faceoff, an official notices the clock has not started. What do you do? Wait until one team has possession and not driving directly to goal…then stop play and adjust the clock.
  2. The scoreboard clock does not have an automatic horn at 00:00. The  home team does not have a hand-held horn. What do you do? Rule 1-12. Illegal procedure on the home team. Award ball to visitors to start the game.
  3. A horn inadvertently sounds from the table during live play. What do you do? Wait until one team has possession and is not driving directly to goal then stop play and see what the issue is.

Quizzes below are for last season (2015) and answers below to questions may have changed with the 2016 rulebook.

Quiz #10, 2015

1. A slight nudge from behind by B1 on player A2 with the ball is sometimes called differently depending on location of the violation. How so?

2. At what times during the game are we as officials required to have the proper number of players on the field?

3. Why is to important during an EMO to have the player with the ball restart at the spot where it went out of bounds?

4. Why is it important on a faceoff to make sure the player with the ball has a secure possession before we signal/verbalize “Possession!”?

5. Why is it important to get a stick from a player before he reaches his team’s huddle?


Quiz #9, 2015

1. Team A in possession of the ball. Official blows whistle for an offsides by Team A…but then realizes they are not offsides. Procedure? Rule 7-13-art 2. Restart play with A in possession.

2. Ball is loose in Team A crease. Official blows whistle thinking Team A has too many men on the field. They do not. Procedure? Rule 7-13-art 2. Team A restart in the alley.

3. Same scenario as above, but ball is loose outside the crease. Procedure? Rule 7-13-art 2. Restart in alley with team that has alternate possession.

4. Team A in possession of the ball and official throws a flag for a Team B offsides. While play continues, official realizes Team B was not offsides. Procedure? Rule 7-13 -art 3. Whistle the play dead (unless Team A has an imminent scoring opportunity). Verbalize error. Pick up flag and give inadvertent flag signal. Restart in the alley with Team A ball.

5. Team A in possession and rookie official throws a flag for Team A being offsides. They are, indeed, offsides. Procedure? Rule 7-13-art 3. Whistle play dead. Verbalize error and pick up flag and give inadvertent flag signal. Give ball to team B for the restart.

Quiz #8, 2015

1. Team A, leading the game, is warned to Keep It In when they have the ball in their attack area. They pass the ball out of the attack area and it rolls on the ground in the “alley.” Procedure? 6-10-2 Sit.D Play on or quick whistle…whichever benefits team B the most.

2. Team is warned  to Keep It In (KII). They shoot and the ball ricochets from the post to outside the attack area. Procedure? Play continues. No violation

3. Team A is playing man down. May they be warned to “Get It in and Keep it In”? 6-10-1 Sit. A. Yes. Being man down is an obvious time to stall.

4. Team A is behind by three goals. May they be warned to “Get It In and Keep It In”? 6-10-1 Sit. B Yes

5. Team A fouls Team B and the flag is down. May Team B be warned to KII? Yes. If so, after the penalty is adjudicated, the GIIKI remains in effect on the restart.

Quiz #7, 2015

SITUATION – Team A player is heading to the goal on a fast re-start – as he comes around a Pick, you see his Mouthpiece drop to the ground…..he continues in and scores…what do you do? Same situation, but Team B Player has his mouthpiece drop to the ground, and he continues to play Team A player – what is the correct call? How do you proceed? In both situations, follow Rule 1-9-Art. 3 page 17. Stop play and have the player put the mouthpiece back in. Team that had the ball retains the ball on the restart. Rule 4-24 helpful here, too.

SITUATION – Team A player is moving in the box, is trapped, and the Team A coach calls Time Out. Team B Coach requests a Stick Check….A stick does not have a End Cap, but the rest of the stick is legal. How do you handle?. Who starts with the ball on the Re-Start?

Rule 1-7-3. No penalty as crosse is not illegal but removed from the game until corrected. Team A’s ball on restart.

SITUATION – Goalie is flagged for a 2 minute Locked in Penalty – the team only has one goalie…they re-dress the new player to play Goalie – does team get time to warm up goalie? Yes, they may choose to warm up the new goalie for a minute.

SITUATION – Player is running behind goal…stick gets checked out of his hands, lands on ground with ball still in crosse…..what is ruling? where is re-start? Rule 4-7 Immediate whistle. Ball awarded to other team.

SITUATION – On a faceoff, during the scrum, the ball goes straight up in the air. The players go up to get the ball, and the Team B players crosse leaves his hand and goes up in the air toward the ball. The Team A coach is screaming he threw the crosse…how do you handle….what is the call….who gets the ball? Play9ing without the crosse: illegal procedure. Award ball to Team A

Quiz #6, 2015
1. B1 has a stick that is too short in the first half and is assessed a 2 min. slash in the third quarter. What happens now? 5-11 Situation and B1 has 5 minutes of personal foul time so he has fouled out of the game (not ejected).
2. Can a slash ever be a non-releasable penalty? Yes. 5-4
3. B1, with the ball, lowers his head and butts his defender with his helmet on his way to the goal. Your call? Could be warding 6-11 or even a Hit to the Head Rule 5-4.
4. A1 scores in overtime. Team B coach asks for a stick check on A1.
Procedure? 4-29-2 No equipment/stick checks after a goal in OT.
5. At an equipment check, you start checking A25’s gear. A25 informs you that your partner already checked him earlier in the game. Procedure? A25’s equipment may be checked again.
Quiz #5 2015
1. During an equipment check, A1’s crosse is too short. What is the procedure and the penalty? Always check both teams’ sticks
and equipment before assessing any penalty. Throw flag and verbalize loudly “Flag Down” as both teams are in their huddles and occupied. “A1 stick is too short. 3 Minutes Non-releasable (give the NR signal) and stick stays in the the table area for the remainder of the game.”
2. During an equipment check, A1’s crosse’s pocket is too deep and he has no arm pads. What is the procedure and the penalty? Always check both teams’ sticks and equipment before assessing any penalty. Rule 5.6. Sit. C. Throw flag and verbalize as above…1 min NR (give signal). Only the worst of the violations is penalized on an equipment/stick check. Stick stays in table area for 1 min and then may be removed and fixed and re-enter game.
3. During an equipment check A1’s crosse’s pocket is too deep and
Throw two flags and verbalize. These are dead ball simultaneous fouls (sequence cannot be determined even though, yes, you measured one stick before measuring the other). A1 serves 1 min NR and B1 serves 3 min NR.

4. During play, A1 informs you that B1 is not wearing arm pads. What do you do? Take a look at B1 if he is on the field without stopping play. If he is not wearing arm pads..penalize accordingly: 1 min NR.

Quiz #5 2015
1. During an equipment check, A1’s crosse is too short. What is the procedure and the penalty? Always check both teams’ sticks
and equipment before assessing any penalty. Throw flag and verbalize loudly “Flag Down” as both teams are in their huddles and occupied. “A1 stick is too short. 3 Minutes Non-releasable (give the NR signal) and stick stays in the the table area for the remainder of the game.”
2. During an equipment check, A1’s crosse’s pocket is too deep and he has no arm pads. What is the procedure and the penalty? Always check both teams’ sticks and equipment before assessing any penalty. Rule 5.6. Sit. C. Throw flag and verbalize as above…1 min NR (give signal). Only the worst of the violations is penalized on an equipment/stick check. Stick stays in table area for 1 min and then may be removed and fixed and re-enter game.
3. During an equipment check A1’s crosse’s pocket is too deep and
Throw two flags and verbalize. These are dead ball simultaneous fouls (sequence cannot be determined even though, yes, you measured one stick before measuring the other). A1 serves 1 min NR and B1 serves 3 min NR.

4. During play, A1 informs you that B1 is not wearing arm pads. What do you do? Take a look at B1 if he is on the field without stopping play. If he is not wearing arm pads..penalize accordingly: 1 min NR.
5. After a goal scored, Coach B requests a stick check on A1 and A1’s crosse is too short. You throw the flag and assess the penalty. Coach B then states that A1 just scored the last goal. But you are unsure of just who scored the last goal. What now? Avoid this mess by always knowing who scored the last goal. But if this happens, check with the official scorer to see who scored the last goal before the next faceoff. If A1’s crosse is illegal,
If A1’s crosse is illegal,
then the last goal is wiped out. If a Team B player was released from the penalty area on the goal…back in he goes.
Quiz #4 2015

1. Team B commits a Loose Ball Push – Play On – the ball remains on the ground – Team A player come in and cross-checks team B player while ball still loose – Flag Down – what happens next? Who goes in the Box? Immediate whistle after the flag is thrown for the cross check. Simultaneous fouls Rule 7-6-3-Sit. B. B player and A player serve penalties. B is in for 30 seconds. A is in for a minute. First 30 for both players is non-releasable. Restart at the spot of the second foul (outside the box if necessary.

2. Team A commits a Slash – Flag Down – ball does not hit the ground in attack box  and Team B slashes Team A – ball still has not touched the ground – What do you do next? Immediate whistle after B’s slash. Simultaneous fouls 7-6-4-Sit. E. Both A and B swerve 1-minute non-releasable. Penalty time is equal so ball is restarted at the spot with A in possession.

3. Team B Attack moves behind Team A goal, makes a move, and comes around goal and fires shot – Ball goes in goal – in the act of finishing his shot, the Team B player’s Glove comes off – what do you have, Goal or No Goal – Why? Same play, and the player Shoots and the Head of his Stick Flies off, and the ball goes in – Goal, No Goal?

NFHS rules here. For the glove situation, the goal is good. It is not one of the reasons for “goal not counted” Rule 4-9. And go to 4-24 Art. 6 No goal for head off the stick Rule 4-9-g

4. – Loose ball outside the crease, attackman hits goalie’ s stick which is a) inside Play-On or b) outside the crease ? Legal What do you have – what is the mechanic ? Ball loose, inside the crease , attackman hits goalie ‘s stick – what is the mechanic? Play On!

5. Shot on goal – ball bounces off goalie then lands outside the crease – defenseman gains possession of the ball – is then legally checked with the ball and his foot touches the crease.
What do you have? -Give mechanic with ruling. In and Out of Re-Entry of Crease with possession. Turnover to the opponent at the spot.


Quiz #3 2015

1. What happens with penalty time during a game that is in running time? Rule 3-1. Penalty time begins with the next whistle resuming play and is running time.

2. When may a game be shortened from 12-minute  quarters? Note difference between Rule 3-1-1-Sit. B and Rule 3-5

3. How long is halftime? Rule 3-2 10 minutes unless mutual agreement by coaches for a different time.

4. How long is a sudden-victory overtime period? Rule 3-4-2  4 minutes

5. Do jayvee games play overtime in Vermont? No.


Quiz #2 2015

1. What is the “In-home”? Rule 2-1-4. A starting attackman identified by the coach before the game. Serves all penalties not specifically earned by an identifiable player

2. Can a team play without a legally equipped goalie on the field of play? Rule 2-1-1. No.

3. A game is played at a neutral site. Who is responsible for game balls, field preparation, table, horn, etc.? Rule 1-12. Home team.

4. A player or coach is ejected from a game. What procedures must/should an official follow? Rule 5-12. Coach removed from bench and field area. Same with a player if there is an adult to supervise; if not, he stays at the bench. Obtain names and numbers before leaving the field. Call Assignor immediately with details. That night, enter details into Arbiter game report.

5. At a minimum, how many game balls should be located around the field of play at all times? Rule 2-10. 16 balls.

Quiz #1 2015

Officials arrive at the game site and discover:

1. Spectators in lawn chairs behind one of the end lines. Rule 1-2 Art. 11. Have the game site administrator move them.

2. Center line does not run the entire width of the field. Rule 1.2 Situation. Unless the VPA issued a waiver for that field, this is illegal procedure. Try to rectify the situation with the home team coach before the game begins.

3. Goal nets are not firmly attached or have large holes in them. Get ’em fixed before the game.

4. Home team does not have “NOCSAE Certified” game balls. Rule 1-5. See if visitors have legal balls. If they do, use them and award ball to the visitors to start the game. If no legal balls are available, game cannot be played.

5. Home team does not have a working horn. Rule 1-12. Illegal procedure…award ball to visitors to start the game.

What do you do in each instance above?




Quiz #1, 2014 Answers in Red or BOLD

Home Team Coach has no game balls that say “Meets NOCSAE Standard.” Coach says,”We can’t afford new balls…wasn’t a problem or issue in our last game!!” What do you do? 1-5-Sit. A. If visitors have legal balls, use them and give them possession on opening faceoff. If no NOCSAE balls, game cannot be played.

  1. One minute left in the game. Team B ahead and they are clearing the ball on a restart. Team A subs out its goalie and replaces him with a speedy middie to ride. What do you do? 2-1. FDSW.
  2. During the game, Team B coach says to you as run past him, “A12 has black eye shade all the way down his cheek!!!” What do you do? Several options including:
  3. “Are you requesting an equipment check on A12, Coach?”
  4. “We’ll check it when we get a chance, Coach.” 1-10-1 Sit. E
  5. Do we monitor the post-game handshake? Yes
  6. During the game, Coach DH yells out, “The home team doesn’t have 4 balls on that far sideline!!

That should be delay of game!!”  What do you do? Request that home team resupply the balls over there.


Quiz #2, 2014 Answers in Red or BOLD

1. A1 comes to faceoff with tape on the plastic throat of the crosse. What do you do? He must be replaced by a player with a legal crosse. If the 20-second timer goes off before the subbing or change takes place then it is delay of game 1-7-art 5
2. Coach DH requests an equipment check on A12. “I demand to see the measurement.” Your response? “My job, Coach, is to inform you, not convince you. We will inform both benches what we find.” 4-27-art 2 -C
3. Team A arrives with nine players. Team A Coach, “Can we start with nine as more players are coming in a late car?” Your response? Game cannot start with a team with fewer than 10 players Rule 2-1. If the game is delayed past its starting time by just a short while, award ball to other team after the missing van has arrived: 6-5-2-d. If the time period is extended, a forfeit looms.
4. Goalie A12 gets a penalty. Can in-home A3 serve it for him? No. Rule 5-1. But remember 2-1-1 Situation: his replacement MAY have a one-minute warmup.
5. Assistant coach of Team A gets an USC foul. Is that penalty assessed to him or to the Head Coach who “is responsible for the actions of all non-playing members of the squad”? Assess the penalty to the miscreant, not the HC. 2-3-2 Situation

Quiz #3, 2014


  1. A1 has no shoulder pads and has an illegal stick. How many penalty minutes does he serve? Penalize only the most severe violation 5.5. Sit. F
  2. There is no horn (hand-held or automatic) at the game site/table. Home HC says, “With new subbing rules we don’t have to provide a horn!!” Your response? Rule 1-12. Horn required.
  3. You go to certify the HC prior to the game and he says, “Johnny Double Horn and I are co-head coaches.” Your response? Rule 2-3-1. One coach is the HC.
  4. What color or colors constitute a legal mouthpiece? Page 14. Any color other than white or clear

What are we, as officials, looking for with regard to shoulder pads when we do an equipment check? We are looking for some protection in the shoulder area.

Quiz #4, 2014 Answers


  1. What do you do if a coach or player is verbally abusive after the game has ended? 5-12-1 Sit. A. Throw flag, assess penalty, make sure it is recorded in scorebook. Provide details on Arbiter in your game report
  2. A fight erupts during a game, but you are not sure of the number of one of the combatants. What do you do? There can be no guessing on this one. If you are ejecting a player then you need to be 100% sure you have the right player.
  3. During the game, there are no or few game balls on the end line. What do you do? Politely request that the home coach replenish.
  4. HC coach says they have no ball retrievers for the game. What do you do? 2-10-2 Situation. Ball retrievers are not required.
  5. At half time, it appears as if the goal differential in the second half might reach 12. What do you do? Quietly make sure the timer knows what to do.

Quiz #5. 2014 

Team A is leading with 1:55 to play and A2 is slashed by Team B as A1 crosses midfield with the ball. A1 is now slashed before he touches in the attack area. What do you do? Play continues with a second flag. New rule about stopping play on the second flag with under 2:00 to play is only in effect for the second flag that occurs when the leading team has possession in the attack area. 7-8-2K

Team A is leading with 1:44 to play. A1 has not touched it in the attack area and Team A Head Coach calls for a TO. What is the clearing count on the restart? Ball location determines count upon the restart: either 20 or 10. 4-13 Sit. A

Team B is trailing by one goal with 2:33 to play. They have the ball and appear not to be “attacking the goal.” May they be warned for stalling? Yes, counterintuitive as this may seem.

Team B is trailing by a goal with 5:00 to play when lightning stops the game for at least 30 minutes. No lights at the field and it is getting late and dark. Team A is the visitor with a long drive home on a school night. Team A coach wants the game to end as “Under VPA rules the game is considered complete when ¾ have been played.” What do you do? Team A coach is correct in his recitation of the VPA rule, but the ultimate authority on whether the game continues rests with the officials (considering safety and input from both coaches).

When does a stall warning end? 6010-Art. 2. Goal scored, defense gaining possession or period ends resulting in a faceoff. Remember that defense gaining passion on a fdsw simply stops the fdsw…has no bearing on the stall warning.

QUIZ #6 2014  Answers in Red or BOLD

Ball is loose. Attackman A1 steps into crease. Play on. A1 now slashes the B goalie. What now? A1’s slash now stops the play-on and A1 serves time for the slash.

B1 slashes A1. FDSW. A1 scores. B coach requests stick check on A1. Pocket is deep. What happens now? Rule 5-5. Goal is wiped out. A1 serves 1 min NR…stick can return if fixed.

Teams are lined up to faceoff. A1 and B1 start pushing each other. Officials send both players off for 1-min USC each. What happens now?  7-6-art. 4 Conduct a FO. Would your answer change if this were B1’s second USC foul? B1’s second USC is a 3min. ejection so B would have more penalty time than A. Award ball to Team A no faceoff.

A1 slashes B1 during a live ball. FDSW. Play continues for another 30 seconds whereupon B2 slashes A2. Coach DH says: “These are not simultaneous fouls as they didn’t occur at the same time.” Your response? The word “simultaneous” is misleading: 7-6 Art. 1 Note: Most simulataneous fouls do not occur at the exact same time.

Play has stopped. A1, B1, A2, B2 start pushing and shoving but officials cannot determine sequence of events. What now? 7-6-Art. 1 b. If penalty times are equal for both teams, go AP. If not, award ball to team with less penalty time.



1. Team A is in its offensive half of the field early in the first period and Team A coach calls a

TO. Why might he be calling a TO at that point? Maybe his team has too many players on the field and/or his team is offsides.


  1. Coach Team A calls for a TO just before/as A1 shoots and scores. Now what? 4-9-2-m. No goal. Award TO.
  2. A1 is about to lose the ball. He calls for a TO to the nearest official who stops play and grants the TO. Team A Coach says only head coach can call TO. Your response? Players on the field can call TO, too. 4-25-2
  3. Team A has the ball. Your back is to the Team A bench when you hear “Time Out! Time out!” coming from the Team A bench/coach area. What do you do? Assume it is the HC and award the TO.
  4. List the circumstances whereby a team may lose one of its TOs. Second request by a HC in which no violations are found for an equipment check or a count for long sticks on the field. 6-5-2-o. And 7-13: request for a Double Horn in which official has not misapplied a rule.



  1. Lead official awards ball to attacking team A on an out of bounds. A1 restarts quickly, passes to A2 who scores. Lead official now says Team B should have been awarded the ball on the restart. Now what? Under NCAA rules you could go back and fix this error after the restart whistle has started play. Under NFHS you cannot.  7.13.1 Sit. C. This situation is not one of the items listed in “Goal Not Counted.” This is an error you’d better catch a) before you restart play or b) immediately after the restart (even though you are on thin ice there, too).
  2. Team A has possession as defender B1 stumbles into the goal and knocks it off line. A1 shoots and puts the ball in the goal. Now what? Cages and goals may move…but goal lines never do. Goal is good if it crossed the goal line.
  3. A1 is pushed into the crease illegally by B1 just as A2 shoots and scores. Now what? A goal can never be scored with a player from the attacking team in the crease.
  4. A1 shoots and ball enters the goal. Official signals goal. Goalie B1 claims the ball never went in and the ball is now lying on the outside of the net. A1 claims there is a hole in the net where the ball passed through. Now what? Confer with your fellow official and determine what you saw.
  5. Three seconds left in a period. A1 ball. Shoots, scores. Timekeeper never started the clock. Three seconds are still on the scoreboard. Now what? Confer with fellow official. Did ball cross the line before or after the period ended? 4-9-2-b.

QUIZ #9 2014  ANSWER in RED or BOLD

1. Playoff game. Season ends for the loser. Under 2 minutes remaining. B1,

whose team is losing badly, delivers a big illegal check. What might be

the best option? You might consider a 2-min non-releasable penalty so

that B1 is done for the day.

2. Playoff game as above. Scrum between opposing players. Punches

are thrown but you are not quite sure which team and which numbers.

What now? When an ejection is involved, especially in a playoff game

where another game lies ahead for the winner, you have to be sure of the

identity of an ejected player.

3. Playoff game as above. Lightning delay in 4th quarter

darkness. Coach of team that is ahead says ¾ of the game have been

played so it counts as a legal game. What now? Playoff games are

completed …even at a later date if necessary.

4. Playoff game as above. Final few seconds and Team B scores the go-
ahead goal. Team A coach requests an equipment check on Team B

scorer. You discover he has no shoulder pads. What now? Equipment

violations on items other than a stick have no bearing on a goal not


5. Playoff game as above. Game starts and Team B says:”That hasn’t been

called all year long! Let the kids play! It’s the playoffs!” Your response?

No response really other than calling the game the way you have all




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