Michael O’Malley of Rutland passed away in April. Mike, or MOM as he was affectionately known by fellow members of the Vermont Lacrosse Officials Association, was a long-time member of the VLOA and he refereed high-school and college football as well as high-school soccer over the years. Mike was dedicated to “getting things right” on the field and everyone who worked with him over the years came away impressed by his professionalism, attention to detail, and love of the game and its participants. Club participants in the summer even had a name for the game they played when Mike officiated: O’MalleyBall.There have been many “characters” over the years in the VLOA but none with a greater sense of humor than Mike. His stories and escapades made any drive to a game memorable as well as the many VLOA meetngs he attended. Each year for over 20 years the VLOA has awarded a Mug to the official with the best story about a fellow official during the season. No one won more mugs than Mike. Thus it is appropriate that this award will now be called the O’Malley Mug. This year’s 2011 Vermont State Boy’s Lacrosse Finals will be dedicated to MOM’s legacy.